"Why didn't you call me to let me know this was happening?????" Because I am not your mama. If you are old enough to have a bank account, you are old enough to take care of it. Despite the common misconception that your bank will call you if something goes amiss, the truth is we don’t. Nor are we supposed to. You are responsible for handling your account. That means keeping an eye on transactions to be sure they are yours and accurate, promptly reporting anything that's wrong and making sure you have enough money in your account to cover your debits. (For you civilians: debits are any transactions that take money from your account. These include checks (if you’re old school), debit card transactions, electronic payments and such). How to keep an eye on your account - Let Me Count the Ways There are so many ways to monitor your account these days, you realistically have zero excuses not to. If you’re Old School you can use the following tools:...